



How many treatments for endometriosis do you know?

Endometriosis is a common disease for reproductive women. It is such a kind of disease that endometrial tissue grows in the places out of uterine cavity. Endometriosis is one of common diseases that can effect women's lives and healthy so much because of its symptoms like heavy bleeding and menstrual pain. Although the pathogenesis of endometriosis is still unknown, many people hold the view that endometriosis was caused by body function changing and local lesion attacking. However, how many treatments for endometriosis do you know?
Hormonotherapy: a treatment suits for reproductive women
As for Western medicine, the most common treatment for endometriosis is hormonotherapy and operative treatment. Hormonotherapy is a kind that treatment that women should take progestogen and estrogen to restrain the growth of endometrium tissues such as taking contraceptive. What's more, almost all kinds of contraceptives contain progestogen and estrogen, which can control ovulation and slow down or stop the growing of endometrial tissue. But if women stopped contraceptive, endometrium tissues will grow again. And this disease may become severer.
Operative treatment: a treatment suits for women don't have fertility requirements
Currently, operative treatments for endometriosis are various. This treatment focus on removing intrauterine adhesion. Thus different types of endometriosis need different treatments. Although this disease has many types, the major types are focus excision, cyst excision and so on. This treatment is effective, but it has certain risk. After operation, the pain may relieve, but healthy endometriosis tissue could be damaged and some abnormal tissues might be left. So for the women who have fertility requirements, it is better for them to choose a healthier treatment such as herbal treatment - fuyan pill
Fuyan pill: a treatment that suits for women who have fertility requirements
Endometriosis is a common gynecological disease. it is closely related to the periodical change of ovary. Its major symptom is period pain. Some other symptoms are chronic pelvic cavity pain and dyspareunia. Some of the patients may even have infertility. Relieving pain is the key to cure endometriosis. As for the women who have fertility requirements, fuyan pills is the best option. It can promote qi circulation to relieve pain and promote blood circulation to remove blood stasis
Fuyan Pill is a good herbal treatment for endometriosis. Compared with surgery, it can eradicate this condition and does not have any side effects though it may work slowly. In general, sufferers can recover in three months.

Medicine to Cure Hydrosalpinx and Tubal Blockage

1. What are Fallopian Tubes?


The fallopian tubes are a very important part of female reproductive system which joins ovaries to uterus. The fallopian tubes are two thin tubes and they are presented on each side of uterus. The fallopian tubes are around 10-12 centimeter in length. The fallopian tubes play a very important role in fertilization, because it is them who transfer eggs from ovary to uterus.


2. What is Hydrosalpinx?


Hydrosalpinx is a specific kind of blocked fallopian tube. Hydrosalpinx is formed when a blockage causes the tube to increase in diameter and fill with fluid. The fluid blocks the meeting of egg and sperm, preventing fertilization and pregnancy. Therefore, hydrosalpinx is a very serious threat to fertility and it also increases the likelihood of miscarriage.


3. What is tubal blockage?


However, sometimes, due to some ambiguous reasons, the fallopian tubes are blocked which prevents the egg and sperm from meeting. This condition is referred as blocked fallopian tubes, which is also known as tubal factor infertility. Blocked fallopian tubes and fertility rates go hand-in-hand. And blocked fallopian tube is the cause of infertility in 40% of infertile women. And millions of women suffer from blocked fallopian tubes all over the world.


4. Pelvic tubal adhesions


A pelvic tubal adhesion is usually caused by pelvic infection, such as pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) or by pelvic endometriosis. The manifestations of Pelvic tubal adhesions include ovarian adhesions and tubal torsion.


5. The treatment of Fallopian Tubes diseases with traditional Chinese medicine


"Fuyan Pill", developed by Herbalist doctor Lee’s Clinic with many years of clinical research and study, is a specific medicine to treat the Fallopian Tubes diseases such as hydrosalpinx, pelvic tubal adhesions, tubal blockage and Tubal torsion. Herbalist doctor Lee’s Clinic has applied for a national patent for "Fuyan Pill" and its application number is 200910064981.5.


1) "Fuyan Pill" which has the effect of invigorating the circulation of blood and promoting the circulation of Qi can treat hydrosalpinx, pelvic tubal adhesions, tubal blockage and Tubal torsion.


According to the western gynecological examination, we know the symptoms such as pelvic congestion, connective tissues fiberization, adhesions of fallopian tubes, lumbosacral pain and lower abdominal pain. "Fuyan Pill", with the effect of clearing away heat and toxic material and invigorating the circulation of blood and promoting the circulation of Qi, can clear the fallopian tubes and resist connective tissues fiberization and eliminate the adhesions of the organs in pelvic cavity, thereby curing hydrosalpinx, pelvic tubal adhesions, tubal blockage and Tubal torsion.


2) "Fuyan Pill" has the effect of invigorating the vital energy Qi and nourishing the blood


The formula of "Fuyan Pill" includes the medicines such as Chinese yam, ginseng and Angelica which have the effect of invigorating the vital energy Qi and nourishing the blood.


As the ancient Chinese herbalist doctors could only find the main symptom of gynecological diseases is abnormal vaginal discharge, they diagnosed the disease as morbid leucorrhea. The ancients found the morbid leucorrhea was caused by insufficiency of the spleen.


3) "Fuyan Pill" has the effect of promoting urination to expel toxic materials


Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is often associated with urethritis and cystitis, so the patients may have urinary tract irritation such as urinary frequency. "Fuyan Pill" uses the diuretic medicine Plantago to eliminate the symptoms of urinary tract irritation.


4) "Fuyan Pill" has the effect of clearing away heat and toxic material


Gonococcus, mycoplasma, chlamydia, and a variety of bacteria, viruses and Mycobacterium tuberculosis are found by Western laboratory tests. The medicine of clearing away heat and toxic material can achieve the broad spectrum antibacterial function. "Fuyan Pill" is capable of killing all the bacteria and turning Mycoplasma and Chlamydia negative in three months.


5) The whole formula of "Fuyan Pill" has the effect of invigorating the circulation of blood and promoting the circulation of Qi, invigorating the vital energy Qi and nourishing the blood, promoting urination to expel toxic materials and clearing away heat and toxic material. These effects enable "Fuyan Pill" to heal hydrosalpinx, pelvic tubal adhesions, tubal blockage and Tubal torsion.


6. Dietary restriction and important notice


1) During the medication of "Fuyan Pill", spicy foods and condiment, poultry, fish, beef, seafood, onions, durians, pickles, alcohol and milk are forbidden. A bad diet controls may extent treatment time.
2) Pay attention to personal hygiene.
3) To prevent cross infection, both the husband and wife should be treated at the same time.


Contact us

Wuhan Dr. Lee's Clinic
Address: #270, Publication Center Road, Xiongchu Avenue, Hongshan District, Wuhan, Hubei province, China.
MSN: wuhandrlee@hotmail.com
Yahoo: herbalistlee@yahoo.com

article source : http://global.fuyanpills.com/DT/Tubal_Conditions/2010/0915/1.html

Endometrial Hyperplasia Herbal Medicine

Endometrial hyperplasia may outbreak at any age including puberty, generative phase, menopausal period and peri-menopausal period. Endometrium is some kind of mucosa covering the uterine cavity, which grows in childhood, develops periodically in menstrual cycle, and at last falls off and becomes the menstrual flow. Women ovulate once in a menstrual cycle and have another menstrual cycle begins if have no pregnancy. Menstrual cycle is regulated by ovarian hormone, whose irregularity influences the menstrual cycle and change the endometrium in succession which is represented in endometrial hyperplasia

In clinical cases, patients with endometrial hyperplasia may also suffer from pelvic inflammatory disease, which indicates that inflammation is often the cause of endometrial hyperplasia. Their manifestations are irregular menses, heavy menstrual flow, excessive bleeding after normal menses, and sometimes short menses. 
4 types of endometrial hyperplasia 
Endometrial hyperplasia includes simple hyperplasia, complex hyperplasia, glandiform hyperplasia and atypical cellular hyperplasia, the last two of which may quite probably get worsen and cause cancer, which should be treated promptly
Traditional Chinese medical knowledge to analyse endometrial hyperplasia
Endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial glandular hyperplasia, endometrial stromal hyperplasia, endometrial adenosis and endometrial adenomatous hyperplasia are regarded as precancerous lesions of endometrial adenocarcinoma. Traditional Chinese medicine considers these precancerous lesions as the results of stagnation of Qi and blood. Fuyan Pill has pangolin scales, peach kernel, safflower, and many other precious herbs in its formula, can soften hard lumps and dispel nodes, can promote blood circulation and removing blood stasis.
The clinical observation of patients with endometrial hyperplasia shows they may also suffer from pelvic inflammatory disease , which indicates that endometrial hyperplasia can be caused by inflammation. Fuyan Pill has honeysuckle, kuh-seng and other heat-clearing and detoxifying herbs in it's formula, can kill the bacteria and viruses in 3 three months. With blood circulation-invigorating and stasis-eliminating herbs, Fuyan Pill cures endometrial hyperplasia within three to four months. 
The main symptom of gynecologic inflammation is abnormal vaginal discharge, which can be caused by PID, tubal conditions, adenomyosis, endometriosis and some other gynecological conditions. Traditional Chinese medicine for invigorating spleen to damp elimination to cure insufficiency of the spleen, with herbs for promoting blood circulation and dissolving stasis, can cure endometrial hyperplasia within three to four months. 
Functional uterus bleeding is one of the main symptoms of endometrial hyperplasia. The hemorrhage time may last as long as one month and patients may suffer from haemorrhagic shock. Traditional Chinese medicine holds the view that endometrial hyperplasia is the pathological change of gore, and the irregular menses is caused by obstruction of blood or poor blood circulation. Fuyan Pill can dissolve stasis and regulate the menstrual function, sterilize and diminish inflammation, and enable the endometrium to grow normally.
Successful case 
Li / female / 19 / student from Hubei Industrial College / August,2009
Have heavy menstrual flow in the first week on menses, slight bleeding after that but remains for several days . This condition had been lasted for 6 years, being cured and recurring. I had normal menstrual cycle back after several types of western medical treatment but the condition had recurred later after treatment had ended. I also had tried complex traditional Chinese medicine  which failed as well. 
Before starting our treatment, her menstruation had been in abnormal condition for 2 years with the symptoms listed above, and her endometrium was as thick as 2.9cm. In August 2009, she visited our clinic and started the treatment with Fuyan Pill. We had required extra herbs to help stop bleeding but she refused because she was not able to stew herbs in school. This is why her treatment take longer than 4 months. 
In the first month of the treatment, her menstruation lasted for 20days and the endometrium became 2.5cm; in the third month, her flow was still heavy but only lasted for 8 days. She had herb menses lasted for 7days in the fourth month treatment; in the fifth month her menstruation lasted for only 5days, the menstrual period and menstrual blood volume was normal, while the endometrium was as thick as 1.7cm. In the sixth month, the endometrium became only 9mm with all symptoms got eliminated and the disease got cured.


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